"Great Storms Announce Themselves
With A Gentle Breeze"
Times Are Changing
And It's Time For
After my initial exposure (no pun intended)
to the Tweeter Center parking lot, I returned numerous times to understand the score. Here's my scorecard:
THE BAD NEWS: The Center's Parking Lot Is A Lot of Confusion
A posted Town drinking ordinance
that is not enforced, or really enforceable.
A missing Town ordinance which
should be posted (urination/exposure).
The Town's enforcement of the above ordinance.
Center security which is non-existent
pertaining to the "back door."
The Center's (perhaps Town's specifications)
disregard for more toilets.
Ditto regarding the during-event maintenace of even
the ones that exist.
The Center's disregard for protection
of its patrons/employees from explicit abuse.
A need for more fire patrols and a need for better parking
lot numbering.
Overall lack of establishing behavior expectations.
All Can Be Corrected Immediately
The common and statutory laws are
written and tested. No new laws are needed.
The harrassment laws, regarding
management's responsibility for their enforcement to protect employees, patron, and vendors, have been tested. Precendent
has been set. (Perhaps not tested is the responsibility of the sponsors; however, in this litigious socity, were I deep-pocketed
sponsor, I would be concerned.)
The addition of more police details
to establish and arrest bad behavior is immediately possible and CERTAINLY AFFORDABLE by the Tweeter Center.
The addition of more sani-houses
can be IMMEDIATE and is AFFORDABLE in the short haul, while the Town evaluates NEW regulations for permanent
toilets in their building code w/r/t seasonal PERMANENT facilities.
The posting of additional signage,
plus the distribution of handouts to every car, limo, bus, rv driver, plus their patrons at every event enumerating acceptable
, unacceptable, ejectable and arrestable behavior, is immediately possible and affordable (Fenway Park does a great job in
stating conduct standards, both in print and by announcement, plus enforcing the same, to control over 32,000 people,
80 times a season.)
